Thursday, November 27, 2008

Nasal Blockage / Rocket snot

Before actually getting diagnosed two years ago, I had what a buddy of mine called rocket snot. It's hard mucus buildup, it's bloody and plentiful. I had so much mucus I would vomit just clear phlegm usually after eating. This is gross but after waking up every morning I would have to remove the nightly build up with my fingers or any other means necessary it was enough to fill a measuring cup with hard mucus I could have probably turned them into a projectile of some sort. After taking prednisone it all went away. I forgot about it. that is until I came to ween off prednisone and my nose started to get stuffed again. This time with softer mucus and not bloody, just major blockage and inflammation. I tried saline solution, nasal cleaning kits, creams and everything else they had at the pharmacy. On really bad days I really need sleep. I take a shot of afrin nasal spray and it works miracles. I try not to use the afrin because it can really do more damage than good. I know a lot of sarcoids out there have the same problem and some have even resorted to surgery to solve the problem. I'm really not sure what to do this really sucks mostly because it interrupts my sleep. I wake up with a dry mouth and blocked nose. 

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